I had lunch yesterday with my friend, Mark -- a rare treat these days in between the activities and responsibilities of our professional and private lives. We had "cause"... Mark is an integral help in planning and executing the Kemmerer leg of the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race, and planning is already underway for the 2014 race.
As the city's Cultural Arts and Events Director, I was asked to "bring the sled dog race" back to Kemmerer. Until that time, the only sled dogs I'd seen in my entire life were Mark and Doris' eight rascals, and our entire relationship consists of them putting their noses up my skirt and me squealing, jumping back and pushing them away. That lasts exactly as long as it takes the pack to realize that our little Charly -- our seven-pound Pomapoo-- is with us. Then the rest of the visit is all about the Hunt. (One guess as to who is the "hunted".)
Anyway, suffice to say I was bumbling my way through the race preparations last year until I got Mark's guidance, communication and hard work.
I saw Mark and Doris last night at the City picnic, too. Mark has been extremely supportive of my cycling journey. I told them about explaining to a Councilman with great enthusiasm the bike ride I am doing next month, only to have the Councilman give me a skeptical once over. Down, down, down went his eyes, and then up, up, up they came, followed by an uncomfortably-long pause. "You think I am too chubby to do this.." I said for him.
"Oh no... no.. I mean, I would be too chubby to do it," he said, patting his stomach. Nice save. This man has a body fat percentage of about 10. My friends were laughing as I recounted the awkwardness. Another friend of mine, Natasia, jumped in about my cute little helmet that she sees all over the city as I ride. "You're just sooo safe, with your little helmet and your little gloves...." Uh huh...Wait til she sees the fluorescent orange and green vest my sweet friend Nancy just brought me. Even Adam teased that I am probably a little too worried about being seen by motorists. (Is that another fat joke??)
Anyway, I took it all with good nature because I feel so good about what I have accomplished and where I am now. And my reward was at the end of the lunch when Mark said, "I just can't get over how much better you look now than when you first got here. Not just the weight you've lost, but everything. You look healthier. You sound better. It's everything."
(What's not to love about a friend like that??)
So, okay world, I may look silly in my biking gear, and spandex just may not be my best style... but I...AM....DOING...IT. And you know why?
....because I can.
Thanks, blog.
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